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I'm Founder & Creative Director of Sung & Co, and we love to design strategic, fun, and engaging brands for ambitious visionaries out-of-the-box thinkers.

Hi, I'm Sarah!


Getting Shady with Colors and their Meanings

October 31, 2022

Female holding a page of various shades of orange pantone swatches working on building a color palette.

Although colors have their own general meaning, there’s also a difference in the shades of a certain color and how they express something different. We don’t want to overcomplicate things for this blog post so we’ll keep things simple when talking through the shades of colors and what those shades can mean. To build a strong brand that aligns with your business, you have to be intentional and strategic about the decisions you make…which includes the colors you choose.

Dark red color can be associated with danger.
The color red can be associated with adventure.
Light red color can be associated with romance.

Various Meanings of the Color Red

The color red is really dominating. It expresses high energy and passion. Reds are either all GO or all NO. It represents danger, adventure, and excitement. Red is highly attention-grabbing which is why you see them on stop signs, flags, and really anywhere you need instant attention. It’s why people dressed in red are noticed first. Or ladies who want to draw attention to their lips…bring on the bright red lipstick!

Anything in darker shades of color tends to bring on a more serious mood. When it comes to dark reds, specifically, most people associate them with blood. With a color similar to maroon, the mind starts connecting it with evil, danger, or rage. Not all the time, but most. Light reds start leaning towards pinks, and depending on the tint of that light red, it can express femininity, romance, or sensitivity.

Dark orange color can be associated with being steadfast.
The color orange can be associated with being creative.
Light color orange can be associated with being youthful.

Various Meanings of the Color Orange

You get orange from mixing the colors red and yellow, and the combination of these colors is a formula for something bright, warm, and fun. Orange is associated with creativity, joyfulness, and a youthful spirit.

Because orange has a bit of red, the more an orange has, the more aggressive and dominating it can get. Again, it’s all about that shade. The redder an orange has, the loud and bold it gets. But a darker, more muddy orange can come across as deceitful or lacking confidence A light orange gives off a feeling of warmth, friendliness, and enthusiasm.

Dark yellow color can be associated with being warm.
The color yellow is associated with happiness.
Light yellow color is associated with being joyful.

Various Meanings of the Color Yellow

Yellow is often associated with the sun. It’s bright and represents high energy, radiates positivity, and is a color that just gives off a good vibe all around.

A darker yellow can look a bit dingy. And with a dirty yellow, it comes across as a little tired because it lacks the brightness of a regular yellow. With the mood of something that lacks energy, darker yellows can also be associated with sickness or jealousy. A yellow that has more orange though can represent wealth because it closely resembles gold. A lighter yellow is uplifting and cheerful and softer than bright yellow.

Dark green color is associated with being earthy.
The color green is associated with being fresh.
Light green color is associated with being soothing.

Various Meanings of the Color Green

In our environment, the biggest greens we see are trees and grass. This is why the color green is most often associated with nature. Greens are also connected with wealth and health (here’s your friendly reminder to eat your veggies!).

Dark greens are most associated with greed and jealousy (here comes the mood that comes with the darker shades of colors). Light greens are most often associated with renewable energy, sustainability, and freshness. You might see a lot of greens in businesses that revolve around renewable energy, recycling, and sustainability.

Dark blue color is associated with being trustworthy.
The color blue is associated with being loyal.
The light blue color is associated with being relaxing.

Various Meanings of the Color Blue

The color blue is usually associated with the sky and ocean because it’s probably the biggest blue thing we see in our day-to-day environment and often represents open spaces, freedom, imagination, trust, loyalty, and dependability.

Darker blues are a bit more serious so it often comes across as authoritative, strong, and can’t easily be pushed around. Blue can come across as a little cold and standoffish so be sure to balance it with warm complementary colors or include lighter blues that are more inviting, peaceful, calm, and relaxing.

Dark purple color is associated with being emotional.
The color purple is associated with being mysterious.
Light purple color is associated with being light-hearted.

Various Meanings of the Color Purple

The color purple was used to symbolize royalty throughout history so it’s often associated with royalty, spirituality, or something magical. It can mean a variety of things, but it’s best connected with extravagance, creativity, wisdom, and mystery.

Dark purples can represent sadness or frustration so when using this color, make sure to find the right balance of a complementary color like yellow or orange. The lighter purples have a slight romantic energy that gives off a more relaxing, soothing feeling.

Dark brown color is associated with being steadfast.
The color brown is associated with being conservative.
Light brown color is associated with honesty.

Various Meanings of the Color Brown

Brown usually represents something organic or natural…from the earth. That’s why a lot of businesses that develop or produce natural products use brown in their brand visuals. Brown is associated with something that’s wholesome, grounded, honest, and durable.

Dark browns are strong, modern, and simple while lighter browns are natural and authentic. Be careful when using brown though. Brown can also be associated with dirt, soil, and dirt. So depending on your industry, you should be extra intentional when using this color. You can add a little red to make it more inviting and warm or blues to make it dark and rich. Just be sure to think through the rest of your color palette to make the colors work for your brand.

Light grey color is associated with being unpretentious.
White is associated with being minimalistic.
Off white color is associated with being elegant.

Various Meanings of the Color White

The color white represents purity, cleanliness, and simplicity. Packaging that’s primarily white, like Apple, for example, feels clean and modern. When designed correctly, it can even feel expensive. And depending on the shade of white, you can alter the mood. Darker whites will come across as cold and masculine, but warmer whites are inviting and relaxing.

Rich or dark black is associated with being powerful.
The color black is associated with being formal.
Lighter black color is associated with being sophisticated.

Various Meanings of the Color Black

The color black is timeless and will never really go out of style. Depending on how the color black is used, it can symbolize power, elegance, mystery, and sophistication. It can also evoke evil, sadness, and anger. You would think black is black, but darker, rich blacks are a little more harsh and bold while lighter blacks are slightly more inviting and can look really sharp and sophisticated. Ever try putting a rich dark black and a flat light black? Looks super modern, elegant, and expensive.

Color Meaning Recap

Here’s a quick summary of the colors and their meaning.

Red: Danger, Passion, and Excitement

Orange: Creative, Warm, and Youthful

Yellow: Happy, Optimistic, and Cheerful

Green: Nature, Freshness, and Wealth

Blue: Loyal, Dependable, and Calming

Purple: Royalty, Majesty, and Mystery

Brown: Organic, Natural, and Authentic

White: Clean, Modern, and Minimal

Black: Timeless, Sophistication, and Formal

Color Resource

Feeling inspired to put together some colors on your own? Be sure to grab our free color template pack and start pulling colors together!

You can also catch up on a previous post about we dive into various colors and their meanings.

Until next time,
Happy Branding!

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I'm Founder & Creative Director of Sung & Co, and we love to design strategic, fun, and engaging brands for ambitious visionaries out-of-the-box thinkers.

Hi, I'm Sarah!


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