Last year, we teamed up with Caitlin from Rooted Media Co to redesign a logo for their client, True Client Pro. Inspired by its founder, the original logo was a super feminine peacock. And while it was pretty and had great meaning behind it, the logo was hard for clients to recognize, so it wasn’t quite serving her business in the way it should. This was the perfect opportunity to look at their brand strategy.
The Power of Strategy
After having them fill out our brand questionnaire, we noticed some disconnect between their vision and what their branding was saying. That’s the power of brand strategy. It’s much more than just choosing the right color palette. It shows people who you are and what you’re all about. We talk through goals, ideal clients, services, and everything in between so that your brand best represents you, your mission, and your clients. A well-defined brand strategy gives us a larger perspective to cultivate a strong brand, and when we take a step back, we see why we connect with and remember some brands but forget others.
As simple and direct as it may sound, that’s what the logo should be. Our logo is the first impression we make on our clients—our business’s personality, so we want to make it POP, and we want it to be memorable. True Client Pro is an all-inclusive business management and CRM platform that simplifies its clients’ operations. That’s a mouthful. How do you show all of that in one logo? Well, since True Client Pro serves clients primarily in the wedding industry, we had to find a way to say it’s a tech company while still making it feel warm and inviting.
Creating a Moodboard
A mood board is a great way to pull inspiration and really visually understand our brand. As we drew some inspiration and created a mood board for True Client Pro, we wanted to make sure we were intentional about building a color palette that was strong and bold yet still relatable to the wedding industry since most of their clients are in that space.

When creating mood boards, we tend to see patterns developing, whether it’s in the colors we gravitate toward or textures we prefer. So, while working with True Client Pro, we started noticing patterns forming and took note of them. Why are these colors repeating? What is the meaning behind these colors? How will the psychology of these colors play a significant role in the color palette? How can we name the colors to align with the brand? What patterns should we take note of? Every detail matters because every detail plays a role in the brand strategy. The final color palette is little organic, bold, and has a touch of luxury. Even the name of the colors was deliberate and thought through.
After getting the color palette approved, we moved on to the logo.
Creating a Logomark that Aligns
We began with the logomark. After a few iterations, we landed on something simple but perfectly aligned to the goal of the business, which was to be a business owner’s, right-hand man. True Client Pro is an all-inclusive business management and customer relationship platform, so it’s something you, as a client and business owner, would use every day. So much so that the thought behind the logomark was inspired by a bookmark icon because it’s a reliable platform that you’d come back to time and time again to help you streamline your operations so you can focus on scaling your business. It’s that simple! We also broke up the bookmark icon into three parts that come together to form the letter T (for True Client Pro) in the negative space.

A Warm and Inviting Logotype
Because the geometric shape of the logomark was very structured, we wanted to create more harmony and balance by creating the logotype to be a little more elegant and inviting. By creating a little more curve to a few letters, we could add a bit of personality and a softer feel.
We also wanted to emphasize the words True and Pro to emphasize that this platform is tried and tested, dependable, and trustworthy.

The Brand Pattern
Most brand patterns we create don’t usually include the logo, but for True Client Pro, we wanted to create an icon version of the logo to incorporate into the brand pattern. Because this software is the kind that’s always there for your business when you need it, we decided to include it in the pattern–sort of like having that one amazing assistant who’s always there and always showing up when you need them.
We also thinned out the lines and added star-like quality details to give it a more luxurious feel.

When we create a logo for a business, we always want to make sure it represents who you are and that it leaves a lasting impression. People will know and remember what it stands for as your business grows and your brand develops.
If you’ve been wanting to rebrand your business, check out our services! We’d love to collaborate with you and create something that really captures your brand’s heart and mission.
Until next time,
Happy Branding!